26年来, 金伯利貂 has taught at Barnard 和 still remembers the interview process 和 one of the major factors that influenced her decision to join the faculty — the students. 

“I was just wowed by them, hearing them speak 和 seeing how engaged they were,马滕说。. “It made me realize that here’s a place that I’d be happy 和 here’s the place [where] I could really make a difference because I would be with a really engaged intellectual community of students.”

马顿有一长串的资历. She is a faculty member 和 executive committee member at both 哥伦比亚大学哈里曼研究所 for Russian, Eurasian, 和 East European Studies 和 the 阿诺德一. 索尔茨曼战争与和平研究所. 她是 外交关系委员会 (CFR)和 国际战略研究所. She’s also served on two bipartisan independent CFR task forces: on U.S. policy in the Arctic 和 on cybersecurity 和 U.S. 外交政策. 作为一名作家, Marten has published several books on international security, 外交政策, 和俄罗斯. 

Her interest in Russia began when she was in fifth grade in Minnesota. Her father — a now-retired scientist for the federal government working on agronomy 和 plant breeding issues — took a trip to what was then the Soviet Union. “He came back with these stories about how they were followed everywhere 和 about the real cultural diversity inside the Soviet Union,马滕说。. 她被迷住了. When she studied at Harvard as an undergraduate, she majored in government. 

It made me realize that here’s a place that I’d be happy 和 here’s the place [where] I could really make a difference because I would be with a really engaged intellectual community of students.


最近, Marten is an increasingly familiar presence in the news media 和 on Capitol Hill because of her deep knowledge of 俄罗斯瓦格纳集团, a “private” military company, 和 its recently deceased founder 和 leader, 叶夫根尼•Prigozhin. Her insightful observations on the war in Ukraine, Prigozhin’s rebellion against Russian President 弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)和普里戈津的死 飞机失事 two months later have l和ed her in newspapers, on television, radio, podcasts, 和 before the U.S. 国会

“[Speaking to 国会] was just an incredible honor,马滕说。, who recalled researching congressional transcripts as a high school student on the debate team. “I never imagined I would actually ever be giving congressional testimony.”


Marten’s expertise has helped to make sense of the reported mutiny mounted against Putin by Prigozhin. 

“Some analysts have said that Prigozhin tried to launch a coup. 他没有. He was trying to create changes in the Kremlin,” explained Marten. “He apparently believed that if his [protest] march continued, Putin would have to listen to him 和 would replace the defense minister 和 the person who was in charge of the comm和 of Russian forces, 总参谋长. 这是普里戈津的naïve.”

马丁相信——现在, more than 19 months after Russia invaded Ukraine — Putin’s range of strategic options is narrow.

“Putin’s next move is to stay the course,马滕说。. “I don’t think anybody believes that the war in Ukraine is going to end as long as Putin is alive 和 in power. He’s made it too much a part of his legacy to be willing to backtrack 和 say it was a mistake. He has no incentive to make any major changes at all.”

乌克兰总统 弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基 在上个月的大会上发表了一篇引人注目的演讲 U.N. 大会, urging a global front against Russian aggression. Marten agrees with Zelensky’s assertion that supporting Ukraine is crucial to the security of the West.

“The United States has become extraordinarily important as the bulwark of Ukraine. If Putin gains territory through this use of violence, it will encourage him that he made the right decision 和 that, 因此, 他应该以同样的方式继续下去,马滕说。. “If the United States ends up not having the will to continue to support Ukraine significantly, Ukraine cannot continue to fight against Russia.”

接受乔恩·斯图尔特采访 每日秀 in 2014

她说,这增加了周围的风险 2024 U.S. 总统选举 — specifically, if former President Donald Trump is reelected. “If Trump wins the election, he will try to walk back U.S. 向乌克兰提供援助,”马滕说道. 

Also among Marten’s areas of expertise is global climate change, 和 she is teaching two courses this fall semester that address aspects of the dynamics 和 decisions around global warming: 北极政治讨论会气候变化的全球政治.

Her opinions 和 analysis remain in high dem和. 从 美国有线电视新闻网 to PBS新闻时间, Marten continues answering questions posed by top journalists. That’s not to say media appearances are new to Marten. 2014年,她出现在 乔恩·斯图尔特的 每日秀 并称这是她最喜欢的采访之一. “I never thought that would be possible,马滕说。. “这是一次非常棒的经历.”


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